Are you under demonic attack?

Many are right now and soon we will face more demons than any other generation in history. We need to learn NOW how to cast out, bind and loose and so much more before the time comes to actually have to use it!

Therefore I have created another sister site called LOJ DELIVERANCE. You will find video's to cast out demons from yourself, loved ones, friends and don't forget your pets too. Always begin with yourself first for protection when casting out and binding.

Don't wait till your faced with a demon ridden individual attacking you...learn this now and be prepared! God bless and help us all.


Click on the image for the Terry Lakin Action Fund homepage

MUST SEE: "Why in the World are They Spraying?" Full Length Documentary HD

Satan's Law In Popular Music

Pt 1--Don't Embarrass Your Angel, Dr. Daniel E. Bohler

The Bush Scroll

Know Your Enemy

Prophecy is fulfilled!

Listen to this broadcast of PropheticSeer talking to Paul Begley about two prophecies just recently fulfilled and whats to come here. Paul Begley's video explaining the Isaiah 19 prophecy in detail here.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Intimacy with God

Intimacy. Merriam Webster says this in regards to it:

Definition of INTIMACY

: the state of being intimate : familiarity
: something of a personal or private nature

Examples of INTIMACY

  1. the intimacy of old friends
  2. the intimacy of their relationship
  3. He felt he achieved a certain intimacy with her.
  4. The band liked the intimacy of the nightclub.

First Known Use of INTIMACY


Related to INTIMACY

Why do I bring this up? Well, because of a conversation that I had with my sister. She see's often that when I ask God for something...more often than not He responds...quickly. So she asked me to pray for her to win a sweepstakes. She is on a fixed income and making ends meet has not been easy for her. I asked her why she did not pray for herself...explaining that while God will help her with all her needs He will do it in His way and in His time all that is required is faith in Him to accomplish it. Her response was shocking to me. She said she did not pray for anything for herself and felt that anything about her daily life was too inconsequential to God...she did not want to "bother" Him with such things. I was stunned.

God wants us to depend solely on Him for ALL things! He and Jesus have said this repeatedly. Yes, He is God and yes, He does know all of your needs, wants, desires of our hearts...the whole ten yards. BUT, He wants us to talk to Him and share our feelings and establish a relationship between Him and ourselves...He wants to SHOW you His love for you by making it obvious to you that He is hearing you.

Then my sister said "I tell Him all the time that I love Him and I know He has to know that". Sure He knows that. Let me ask you...have you ever met someone who will tell you what a great person you are all the time but when you actually NEED a moment of their time or help in anyway...they were never available for you? How did that make you feel? Used? As they is cheap. As Jesus said...where you place your attention THAT is where your heart is. I have met men that thought the words "I love you" took care of everything...nope, not even close. Show me how you feel. Spend some quality time with me...right? 

We are created in the image and likeness of God. He created us for His pleasure. His pleasure is having us rely on Him and want to be with Him and share all our thoughts, feelings, sadness, joy, hopes, dreams and desires with Him. If we draw close to Him then He draws close to us. He wants to answer our questions and shower us with all good things...IF we are intimate with Him. I know because He showers me with awesome things all the time and always answers my way or another, in His time and in His way. His way is always so much better than anything I could have even thought to ask for too. His timing is perfect and I am truly NEVER alone!

Life is so exciting and interesting when your are close to God and Jesus...seriously, I feel sorry for people who go through life trying to depend on themselves and other humans. Talk about ho hum and disappointing. With God and what He tells you, shows you, teaches you, provides for is abundant, exciting, rewarding, peace filled and joyful. No human, male or female, companionship can compare with the relationship I have with God. If you try to develop an intimacy with God you will be amazed and excited about your discoveries all day, everyday!

So go now and seriously talk to Him as you would your closest not be afraid of offending Him or insulting Him...He can handle it and will not even get angry with you like your human friends would. Expose yourself to Him completely...have the faith OF Jesus that He is hearing you and will answer you. Talk to Him about everything...I have even been known to ask Jesus what I should wear. Why not? I would ask my husband...if I had one, and he would probably not even answer me. But Jesus will answer you. After all...we are His bride to be!

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